Monday, January 5, 2009

Mission Statement failure

I was listening to a radio show this evening and they were discussing how different business' have their own mission statement. After some time goes by, does the business really keep to their mission statement or does it start to waver and make justifications for its actions? Does the business still have integrity and the virtues it started out to be or does it just have the statement on the wall for good show.

Likewise, when we first begin making commitments to God we more or less make a mission statement of what we want to do and what we want to accomplish and all the things we want to do for God. The real question is... are we still pursuing those commitments or are we just getting by?

I know being married it is easy to say, "till death do us part." but now being married for 41/2 years do I still uphold and cherish my wife, does she pursue God because of me or in spite of me. These are the things that were going through my mind when the DJ was talking about all this.

So what are some commitments that you made to God (even your New Years resolution) that you may have forgotten about or didn't really follow through with? Thankfully and gracefully God pursues us with his love and mercy and grace even when we forget about him let alone go after him. However, it doesn't give us the excuse to stop trying to follow through the commitments it just means we get an extended grace period by our Father in Heaven.

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